
Assessment: UAS Mission Planning Fundamentals

1. Prior to this activity, how would I rank myself in knowledge about the topic:

    1 - No knowledge at all

    I had not used the C-Astral Mission Planning software prior to this activity nor was I familiar with mission planning in general.

2. Following this activity, how would I rate the amount of knowledge I have on the topic: 

    3 - Some knowledge

    I familiarized myself with the C-Astral Mission Planning software and got a good feel for how it operates and the things that go into planning a mission. I would like to learn much more about planning flight missions.

3. Did the hands-on approach to this activity add to how much I was able to learn:

    5 - Strongly Agree

    With not having any previous knowledge on this topic, being able to work with the mission planning software helped me learn a lot about what goes into to setting up a mission.

4. What types of learning strategies would I recommend to make the activity even better?

    I have no suggestions for this activity at this time.

Assessment: Processing Oblique Imagery

1. Prior to this activity, how would I rank myself in knowledge about the topic:

    2 - Very little knowledge

    I have used Pix4D to process imagery in previous activities, but never to process oblique imagery or to construct 3D models. This topic was new to me.

2. Following this activity, how would I rate the amount of knowledge I have on the topic:

    3 - Some knowledge

    I gained a lot of knowledge on what flight patterns look like for constructing 3D models and how to annotate imagery in Pix4D. There is much I have yet to learn regarding this topic.

3. Did the hands-on approach to this activity add to how much I was able to learn:

    4 - Agree

    Annotating the imagery by hand and being able to see what the flight patterns look like for oblique imagery definitely helped in how much I was able to learn in this activity.

4. What types of learning strategies would I recommend to make the activity even better?

    Perhaps for each set of imagery, include what exactly should be annotated since this did not seem clear cut in some cases.

Assessment: Calculating Volumes of Stock Piles Using Pix4D and ESRI Software

1. Prior to this activity, how would I rank myself in knowledge about the topic:

    2 - Very little knowledge

    I've used Pix4D once before to calculate volumes but have never used it in ArcMap nor was I too familiar with volumetrics in general.

2. Following this activity, how would I rate the amount of knowledge I have on the topic:

    3 - Some knowledge

    I definitely learned and became familiar with a lot more volumetric concepts and analysis processes. However, I still have much more to learn about this specific topic.

3. Did the hands-on approach to this activity add to how much I was able to learn:

    4 - Agree

    Particularly in ArcMap, going through the workflow and using the different methods to generate a volume calculation helped a lot in how much I was able to learn.

4. What types of learning strategies would I recommend to make the activity even better?

    I have no suggestions at this time.

Assessment: Using ArcGIS Pro to Engage in Value Added Data Analysis

1. Prior to this activity, how would I rank myself in knowledge about the topic:

    2 - Very little knowledge

    I have never previously worked with ArcGIS Pro or any tasks associated with it. I have, however, worked with ArcMap numerous times, and although it's a different program, the functions and analyses felt somewhat similar.

2. Following this activity, how would I rate the amount of knowledge I have on the topic:

   3 - Some knowledge

    I gained some knowledge about using ArcGIS Pro to analyze UAS imagery in a way that adds value to it and understand what that value is, but is so much more to learn.

3. Did the hands-on approach to this activity add to how much I was able to learn:

    5 - Strongly agree

    By going through the tutorial and performing the tasks myself, I feel like it helped immensely in how much I was able to get out of this activity.

4. What types of learning strategies would I recommend to make the activity even better?

    I have no suggestions at this time for making this activity better than it was.

Assessment: Processing Imagery Using Pix4D

1. Prior to this activity, how would I rank myself in knowledge about the topic:

    3 - Some knowledge

    I was somewhat familiar with using Pix4D after having used it in an activity previously in a different course, however, this was a good refresher. 

2. Following this activity, how would I rate the amount of knowledge I have on the topic: 

    3 - Some knowledge

    Although I've now used Pix4D to process data multiple times, each time I've used it, I've only scratched the surface of what the software is capable of doing and therefore I still have much to learn about Pix4D and processing UAS data.

3. Did the hands-on approach to this activity add to how much I was able to learn:

    4 - Agree

    Having the PowerPoint to walk students through setting up a project in Pix4D and actually doing the steps helped a lot in how much I was able to learn about using this program.

4. What types of learning strategies would I recommend to make the activity even better? 

    Having the PowerPoint available as a guide for students is very helpful. Aside from that, I'm not sure what to suggest to make the activity better.

Assessment: Constructing Maps with UAS Data

1. Prior to this activity, how would I rank myself in knowledge about the topic:

    3 - Some knowledge

    I have worked with some UAS data in the past and have experience with proper map-making from previous courses. However, I did learn a lot of new information about UAS data that I was not completely familiar with prior to this exercise.

2. Following this activity, how would I rate the amount of knowledge I have on the topic: 

    3 - Some knowledge

    Although I gained some new knowledge from this exercise, there is much more I need to learn concerning UAS data and using UAS data to construct good maps.

3. Did the hands-on approach to this activity add to how much I was able to learn:

    4 - Agree

   Working with the data and doing some background research for some of the questions added to how much I was able to learn in this exercise.

4. What types of learning strategies would I recommend to make the activity even better?

    Having more clear-cut directions would be helpful. For example, the directions refer to using Pix4d, although that program was not used in this exercise. The demos that we go through in class are helpful -- keep doing those.

Assessment: UAS Platform Consulting Report

1. Prior to this activity, how would I rank myself in knowledge about the topic:

    2 - Very little knowledge

    I knew almost nothing when it comes to UAVs and the the different kinds available on today's market heading into this assignment.

2. Following this activity, how would I rate the amount of knowledge I have on the topic:

    3 - Some knowledge

    While I was able to gain some knowledge of UAVs and UAV technology through the research involved with this assignment, I know I've only barely scratched the surface, but I have gained much more knowledge than I had prior to this assignment.

3. Did the hands-on approach to this activity add to how much I was able to learn:

    4 - Agree

    I think having the students dive right into researching different platforms on their own was a good strategy in helping them become familiar with UAV technology quickly.

4. What types of learning strategies would I recommend to make the activity even better?

    I have no suggestions yet at this time for improving this activity.

Evaluation/Assessment Page: Following each lab activity, students are to rate the activity based on the following criteria below:

     1. Prior to this activity, how would I rank myself in knowledge about the topic. (1-No Knowledge at all, 2-Very Little Knowledge, 3-Some knowledge, 4-A good amount of knowledge, 5-I knew all about this)

     2. Following this activity, how would I rate the amount of knowledge I have on the topic (1- I don’t really know enough to talk about the topic, 2- I know enough to explain what I did, 3-I know enough to repeat what I did, 4-I know enough to teach someone else, 5- I am an expert)

     3. Did the hands-on approach to this activity add to how much I was able to learn (1-Strongly Disagree, 2-Disagree, 3-No real opinion, 4-Agree, 5-Strongly Agree)

     4. What types of learning strategies would I recommend to make the activity even better?

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